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Diskuze: Forge crafting resolver

V předchozím kvízu, Online test znalostí Java, jsme si ověřili nabyté zkušenosti z kurzu.

Adam "Nero" Chudomel:9.2.2014 15:33

Mohl by jste mi prosím někdo pomoci? Kde je zde chyba -

/* / package ic2.core.uu;
/ import ic2.core.AdvRecipe;
/ import ic2.core.util­.StackUtil;
/ import java.util.Arra­yList;
/ import java.util.Arrays;
/ import java.util.List;
/ import net.minecraft­.item.ItemStac­k;
/ import net.minecraft­.item.craftin­g.CraftingMana­ger;
/ import net.minecraft­.item.craftin­g.IRecipe;
/ import net.minecraftfor­ge.oredict.Sha­pedOreRecipe;
/ import net.minecraftfor­ge.oredict.Sha­pelessOreReci­pe;
/ public class ForgeCraftingRe­solver
/ implements IRecipeResolver
/ {
/ public List<RecipeTran­sformation> getTransforma­tions(ItemStack output)
/ {
22 / assert (output.field_77994_a == 1) : output;
23 / List<RecipeTran­sformation> ret = new ArrayList();
25 / for (IRecipe irecipe : CraftingManager­.func_77594_a()­.func_77592_b()) {
26 / if ((irecipe instanceof ShapedOreRecipe))
/ {
27 / ShapedOreRecipe recipe = (ShapedOreReci­pe)irecipe;
29 / if (matches(reci­pe.func_77571_b(), output)) {
32 / ret.add(new RecipeTransfor­mation(fixSize(Ad­vRecipe.expan­dArray(recipe­.getInput())), recipe.func_77571_b())­);
/ }
/ }
35 / else if ((irecipe instanceof ShapelessOreRe­cipe))
/ {
36 / ShapelessOreRecipe recipe = (ShapelessOre­Recipe)irecipe;
38 / if (matches(reci­pe.func_77571_b(), output)) {
41 / ret.add(new RecipeTransfor­mation(fixSize(Ad­vRecipe.expan­dArray(recipe­.getInput().to­Array())), recipe.func_77571_b())­);
/ }
/ }
/ }
47 / return ret;
/ }
/ private boolean matches(ItemStack offer, ItemStack requirement)
/ {
51 / return (offer.field_77993_c ==­eld_77993_c) && ((requirement­.func_77960_j() == 32767) || (offer.func_77960_j() ==­c_77960_j()));
/ }
/ private List<List<Item­Stack>> fixSize(List<I­temStack>[] x)
/ {
57 / List<ItemStack>[] ret = new ArrayList[x.len­gth];
59 / for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
/ {
60 / ret[i] = new ArrayList();
62 / for (ItemStack stack : x[i]) {
63 / if (stack.field_77994_a == 1) {
64 / ret[i].add(stack);
/ } else {
66 / ret[i].add(Stac­kUtil.copyWit­hSize(stack, 1));
/ }
/ }
/ }
71 / return Arrays.asList(ret);
/ }
*/ }

/* Location: C:\Users\Admin\Des­ktop\
* Qualified Name: ic2.core.uu.For­geCraftingResol­ver
* JD-Core Version:

9.2.2014 15:33
Nihil est, aut totum licet consistere
Odpovídá na Adam "Nero" Chudomel
Neaktivní uživatel:9.2.2014 15:35

Zkus to znovu a přes tlačítko vložit kód :)

Nahoru Odpovědět
9.2.2014 15:35
Neaktivní uživatelský účet
Nahoru Odpovědět
9.2.2014 15:36
Nihil est, aut totum licet consistere
Adam "Nero" Chudomel:9.2.2014 15:37
/* / package ic2.core.uu;
/ /
/ / import ic2.core.AdvRecipe;
/ / import ic2.core.util.StackUtil;
/ / import java.util.ArrayList;
/ / import java.util.Arrays;
/ / import java.util.List;
/ / import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
/ / import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;
/ / import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe;
/ / import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe;
/ / import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe;
/ /
/ / public class ForgeCraftingResolver
/ / implements IRecipeResolver
/ / {
/ / public List<RecipeTransformation> getTransformations(ItemStack output)
/ / {
/ 22 / assert (output.field_77994_a == 1) : output;
/ 23 / List<RecipeTransformation> ret = new ArrayList();
/ 25 / for (IRecipe irecipe : CraftingManager.func_77594_a().func_77592_b()) {
/ 26 / if ((irecipe instanceof ShapedOreRecipe))
/ / {
/ 27 / ShapedOreRecipe recipe = (ShapedOreRecipe)irecipe;
/ 29 / if (matches(recipe.func_77571_b(), output)) {
/ 32 / ret.add(new RecipeTransformation(fixSize(AdvRecipe.expandArray(recipe.getInput())), recipe.func_77571_b()));
/ / }
/ / }
/ 35 / else if ((irecipe instanceof ShapelessOreRecipe))
/ / {
/ 36 / ShapelessOreRecipe recipe = (ShapelessOreRecipe)irecipe;
/ 38 / if (matches(recipe.func_77571_b(), output)) {
/ 41 / ret.add(new RecipeTransformation(fixSize(AdvRecipe.expandArray(recipe.getInput().toArray())), recipe.func_77571_b()));
/ / }
/ / }
/ / }
/ 47 / return ret;
/ / }
/ /
/ / private boolean matches(ItemStack offer, ItemStack requirement)
/ / {
/ 51 / return (offer.field_77993_c == requirement.field_77993_c) && ((requirement.func_77960_j() == 32767) || (offer.func_77960_j() == requirement.func_77960_j()));
/ / }
/ /
/ / private List<List<ItemStack>> fixSize(List<ItemStack>[] x)
/ / {
/ 57 / List<ItemStack>[] ret = new ArrayList[x.length];
/ 59 / for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
/ / {
/ 60 / ret[i] = new ArrayList();
/ 62 / for (ItemStack stack : x[i]) {
/ 63 / if (stack.field_77994_a == 1) {
/ 64 / ret[i].add(stack);
/ / } else {
/ 66 / ret[i].add(StackUtil.copyWithSize(stack, 1));
/ / }
/ / }
/ / }
/ 71 / return Arrays.asList(ret);
/ / }
/ */ }

/* Location: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\
* Qualified Name: ic2.core.uu.ForgeCraftingResolver
* JD-Core Version:
Nahoru Odpovědět
9.2.2014 15:37
Nihil est, aut totum licet consistere
Děláme co je v našich silách, aby byly zdejší diskuze co nejkvalitnější. Proto do nich také mohou přispívat pouze registrovaní členové. Pro zapojení do diskuze se přihlas. Pokud ještě nemáš účet, zaregistruj se, je to zdarma.

Zobrazeno 4 zpráv z 4.