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HTA appka na pingani kompu


<!DOCTYPE html >
        <title>Progress Bar Sample</title>

            CAPTION="yes" ID="oPingApp" MAXIMIZEBUTTON="no"        
            SCROLL="no" VERSION="1.0"


    <!-- ProgressBar code -->
    <script language="VBScript">

        Dim CProgressBar_Instances

        CProgressBar_Instances = 0

        Class CProgressBar
            Private intProgress
            Private intMax
            Private strElementId

            Public Sub Create(objDocument, objParentElement)

                Dim strHtml, i

                CProgressBar_Instances = CProgressBar_Instances + 1
                strElementId = "elProgressBar" & CProgressBar_Instances

                strHtml = "<div id="""& strElementId &"Counter"" style=""float: left"">0/0</div>" & vbCrLf
                strHtml = strHtml & "<table style=""margin-left:10px; margin-right: 10px; border:thin solid #cccccc; float: left"" id=""" & strElementId & """>" & vbCrLf & _
                        "    <tr>" & vbCrLf
                For i = 1 to 10
                    strHtml = strHtml & "        <td bgcolor=""white"">&nbsp;</td>" & vbCrLf
                strHtml = strHtml & "    </tr>" & vbCrLf & _
                    "</table>" & vbCrLf & _
                    "<div id="""& strElementId &"Percent"">0%</div>" & vbCrLf
                objParentElement.innerHtml = objParentElement.innerHtml & strHtml
            End Sub

            Public Sub Reset (intMaxCount)
                intProgress = 0
                intMax = intMaxCount
            End Sub

            Public Sub SetProgress (intDone)
                intProgress = intDone
            End Sub

            Private Sub Redraw
                Dim objCol, i, objPgBarElement, intDisplayBars, intPercent

                Set objPgBarElement = Document.getElementById(strElementId)
                Set objCol = objPgBarElement.getElementsByTagName("td")
                intDisplayBars = Int(intProgress/(intMax/10))
                intPercent = Int(intProgress/(intMax/100))
                'elMessages.innerText = elMessages.innerText & intProgress & vbCrLf

                For i = 0 to 9
                    if i < intDisplayBars then
                        objCol(i).bgcolor = "blue"
                        objCol(i).bgcolor = "white"
                    end if
                Set objCounter = Document.getElementById(strElementId & "Counter")
                objCounter.innerHtml = "" & intProgress & "/" & intMax

                Set objPercentage = Document.getElementById(strElementId & "Percent")
                objPercentage.innerHtml = "" & intPercent & "%"
            End Sub

        End Class

    <script language="VBScript">

        Dim aComputers(), objProgressBar, intHotovo
        Dim objFSO, objShell, strPingVbs, objPingProc, strPingFile, strAutomatonStatus, strAddress
        Dim strTempDir
        Dim symStart, symPause, symStop, symClose

        Function LoadHostnames()
            Dim strFile, objStream, intCount, strHostname


            strFile = Dlg.OpenFileDlg(CStr(Replace(oPingApp.commandLine, Chr(34), "")), , CStr("txt files (.txt)|.txt"), CStr("Otvor vstup..."))
            If strFile = "" Then
                MsgBox "Subor nevybrany !!!", vbCritical
                LoadHostnames = False
                Set objStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1)
                intCount = 0
                Do Until objStream.AtEndOfStream
                    strHostname = UCase(Trim(objStream.Readline))
                    If strHostname <> "" Then
                        ReDim Preserve aComputers(intCount)
                        aComputers(intCount) = strHostname
                        intCount = intCount + 1
                    End If
                Set objStream = Nothing

                LoadHostnames = True
            End If
        End Function

        Function WritePingVbs()
            Dim strScriptPath, objStream, strScriptContents
            strScriptContents = _
                "Dim strCmd, objShell, strPingParams" & vbCrLf & _
                "If WScript.Arguments(2) = ""1"" Then strPingParams = ""-n 2"" Else strPingParams = ""-a -n 1"" End If" & vbCrLf & _
                "strCmd = ""%comspec% /c """"ping.exe "" & strPingParams & "" "" & WScript.Arguments(0) & "" > "" & WScript.Arguments(1) & """"""""" & vbCrLf & _
                "Set objShell = CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"")" & vbCrLf & _
                "objShell.Run strCmd , 0, True" & vbCrLf & _
                "Set objShell = Nothing" & vbCrLf
            strScriptPath = objFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "ping.vbs")
            Set objStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strScriptPath, 2, True, 0)
            strScriptContents = objStream.Write(strScriptContents)
            WritePingVbs = strScriptPath
        End Function

        Function Automaton()
            On Error Resume Next
            Dim strCmd, intRetVal, strParams, objPingFile, strAll, strTemp

            Select Case strAutomatonStatus

            Case "pause ready"        
                ' let's start the same hostname again after unpaused
                strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
                'do not run Window.setTimeout ... just exit function

            Case "stop ready"
                ' let's start the first hostname after started
                intHotovo = 0
                strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
                'do not run Window.setTimeout ... just exit function

            Case "ping ready"
                ' clean after pause or stop
                If strPingFile <> "" And objFSO.FileExists(strPingFile) Then
                    objFSO.DeleteFile strPingFile
                End If

                strTemp = objFSO.GetTempname()
                strPingFile = objFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, strTemp)
                strCmd = "wscript.exe """ & strPingVbs & """ """ & aComputers(intHotovo) & """ """ & strPingFile & """ ""1"""
                Set objPingProc = objShell.Exec(strCmd)
                'elMessages.innerHtml = "*" & strCmd & "*"
                ' first ping started ... check it after some delay
                strAutomatonStatus = "first ping running"
                Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 100
            Case "first ping running"
                If objPingProc.Status = 1 Then
                    ' process the first ping result
                    Set objPingFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPingFile)
                    strAll = objPingFile.ReadAll
                    objFSO.DeleteFile strPingFile
                    Set objPingFile = Nothing

                    If InStr(strAll, "Pinging ") Then
                        strAddress = Mid(strAll, InStr(strAll,"[") + 1, InStr(strAll,"]") - InStr(strAll,"[") - 1)
                        strCmd = "wscript.exe """ & strPingVbs & """ """ & strAddress & """ """ & strPingFile & """ ""2"""
                        Set objPingProc = objShell.Exec(strCmd)
                        ' second ping started ... check it after some delay
                        strAutomatonStatus = "second ping running"
                        Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 100
                        elMessages.innerHtml = aComputers(intHotovo) & ": Could not be found"
                        intHotovo = intHotovo + 1
                        objProgressBar.SetProgress intHotovo
                        If intHotovo > UBound(aComputers) then
                            elMessages.innerHtml = elMessages.innerHtml & " ... all computers done!"

                            intHotovo = 0
                            strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
                            'do not run Window.setTimeout ... all computers done
                            ' second ping not needed for nonexistent computer ... let's move to next computer
                            strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
                            Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 0
                        End If
                    End If
                    ' first ping is still running, check it after another delay
                    Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 100
                End If
            Case "second ping running"
                If objPingProc.Status = 1 Then
                    ' process the second ping result
                    Set objPingFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPingFile)
                    strAll = objPingFile.ReadAll
                    objFSO.DeleteFile strPingFile
                    Set objPingFile = Nothing
                    If InStr(strAll, aComputers(intHotovo)) Then
                        ' good dns record
                        elMessages.innerHtml = aComputers(intHotovo) & ": Good DNS record"
                        ' bad dns record
                        elMessages.innerHtml = aComputers(intHotovo) & ": DNS mismatch"

                        revIP = ""
                        For i = 1 To 3
                            revIP = revIP & Right(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - InStrRev(strAddress, ".")) & "."
                            strAddress = Left(strAddress, InStrRev(strAddress, ".") - 1)
                    End If

                    intHotovo = intHotovo + 1
                    objProgressBar.SetProgress intHotovo

                    If intHotovo > UBound(aComputers) then
                        elMessages.innerHtml = elMessages.innerHtml & " ... all computers done!"

                        intHotovo = 0
                        strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
                        'do not run Window.setTimeout ... all computers done
                        'computer is done ... go for another computer next time
                        strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
                        Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 0
                    End If
                    ' second ping is still running, check it after another delay
                    Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 100
                End If

            Case Else
                ' Houston we have something bad in our code!
                MsgBox "Unexpected strAutomatonStatus: '" & strAutomatonStatus & "'! Starting debugger!"

            End Select
        End Function

        Function StartPauseContinuePinging()
            If elBtnStartPauseContinue.value = symStart Then
                ' paused or stopped
                If elBtnStop.disabled = True Then
                    ' stopped
                    If LoadHostnames() = True Then
                        elBtnStop.disabled = False
                        elBtnStartPauseContinue.value = symPause
                        intHotovo = 0
                        objProgressBar.Reset Ubound(aComputers)+1
                        ' let's start our pinging automaton
                        Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 0

                    End If

                    ' paused
                    elBtnStartPauseContinue.value = symPause
                    Window.SetTimeout "Automaton", 0
                End If
                ' playing
                elBtnStartPauseContinue.value = symStart
                strAutomatonStatus = "pause ready"
            End If

        End Function

        Function StopPinging()
                elBtnStartPauseContinue.value = symStart
                elBtnStop.disabled = True
                intHotovo = 0
                objProgressBar.Reset Ubound(aComputers)+1
                strAutomatonStatus = "pause ready"
        End Function

        Function Window_OnLoad()

            Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

            strTempDir = objFSO.BuildPath(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(oPingApp.document.Script.location.pathname), objFSO.GetTempName())
            objFSO.CreateFolder strTempDir
            Set objProgressBar = New CProgressBar
            objProgressBar.Create Document, elMain

            symStart = Chr(&H34&)
            symPause = Chr(&H3B&)
            symStop = Chr(&H3C&)
            symClose = Chr(&H72&)

            strPingVbs = WritePingVbs()
            strAutomatonStatus = "ping ready"
            strPingFile = ""

            width = 705
            height = 405
            Self.resizeTo width, height
            Self.MoveTo (Screen.Width - width) / 2, (Screen.Height - height) / 2
        End Function

        Sub Window_OnBeforeUnload
            strAutomatonStatus = "pause ready"
            ' let's clean after some delay ... after all external processes are finished
            objShell.Run "%comspec% /C ""(ping -n 4 & (rmdir /S /Q " & strTempDir & ")""", 0, False
        End Sub


    <body bgColor="white">
        <OBJECT id=Dlg classid="CLSID:3050F4E1-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B" width=0 height=0></object>
        <!--{{InsertControlsHere}}-Do Not remove this line-->

        <table cellpadding="20">
                <td width="200">
                    <div id="elMain"></div>
                    <button id="elBtnStartPauseContinue" style="font-family:webdings; width: 40px;height:40px;font-size:large" onclick="vbscript: StartPauseContinuePinging">&#x34;</button>
                    <button id="elBtnStop" style="font-family:webdings; width: 40px;height:40px;font-size:large" onclick="vbscript: StopPinging" disabled="disabled">&#x3c;</button>
                    <button id="elBtnClose" style="margin-left:20px;font-family:webdings; width: 40px;height:40px;font-size:large" onclick="vbscript: window.close">&#x72;</button>
                <td colspan="2">
                    <pre id="elMessages"></pre>



Přidáno: 15.9.2018
Expirace: Neuvedeno

Autor: Jirka Jr