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Diskuze: PHP - Minecraft :D

V předchozím kvízu, Online test znalostí PHP, jsme si ověřili nabyté zkušenosti z kurzu.

Ondřej Pohořelý:22.7.2017 13:50

Dobrý den, mám problém že nevím jak udělat abych zkontroloval jestli je isLoged 1 tak aby to vypsalo jméno hráče do tabulky jestli mně chápete (prostě výpis online hráčů) vše potřebné mám už zapojené

A další problém je ten že jsem si spojil iConomy s mysql a nemůžu napsat /money (/balance funguje) píše to klasickej internal error config zde:

# iConomy 6.0.8b
# @author     moloco <[email protected]>
# @license    GPLv2
# @copyright  Copyright moloco
# Setup Notes
#   - Seconds
#         Basic Table:
#           1 minute = 60 seconds
#           1 hour = 1 minute * 60 = 3600 seconds
#           1 day = 1 hour * 24 = 86400 seconds
#           1 week = 1 day * 7 = 604800 seconds
#   - Database
#           Do not use remote databases from free sites, please use either a
#           remote database from a personal hosted VPS or DEDI or a local
#           database. This will prevent any 'timeout' or 'invalid settings'
#           or 'cannot connect to database' issues. Thank you :)!

      # Should a user have the '' to use /money
      # By default this is false, so that people stop complaining that
      # iConomy doesn't work. Yes, people actually report that.
      # If you are one of those people, leave this false.
      Holdings: false

      # Major is the first segment [Major].Minor

      # Major ([Major].Minor) 1.00 Dollar (With Seperate 1 Dollar)
      Major: [ 'Dollar', 'Dollars' ]

      # Minor (Major.[Minor]) 0.23 Coins  (With Seperate 0 Dollars, 23 Coins)
      Minor: [ 'Coin', 'Coins' ]

      # Default account balance when created
      Holdings: 30.0

  # Controls how money is formatted through methods
    # Minor allows you to use the Minor amounts for amounts <1
    # Example (true) 0.23 Coins and 1.23 Dollars (false) 0.23 Dollars and 1.23 Dollars
    Minor: false

    # Seperate allows your money to be shown in an alternative way,
    # instead of 1.32 it will show as 1 Dollar 23 Coins
    # !!! NOTICE: This only works if Minor is set to true !!!
    Seperate: false                               # Example (true) 1 Dollar, 23 Coins (false) 1.23 Dollars (Only if Minor is true)

    # Single shows your money in another alternative way.
    # Instead of 1.23 Dollars you will see: 1 Dollar.
    # If your money is 0.23 you will see 0 Dollars if Minor is false, 23 Coins if Minor is true.
    # !!! Notice: This overrides seperate !!!
    Single: false

  # Logs all monetary transactions passed through iConomy
    Enabled: false

  # Purges Default Balances at Loading
  # Good way to keep unused accounts or default accounts wiped out and lower database usage.
    Enabled: true

  # Controls amount of money gained at a set interval.
    Enabled: false

    # Only give interest to players who are currently online?
    Online: true

      # Send a message when the player gains interest?
      Enabled: false

      #  Interval is done in seconds, here is a easy reference table for commonly set intervals:
      #   1 minute = 60 seconds
      #   1 hour = 1 minute * 60 = 3600 seconds
      #   1 day = 1 hour * 24 = 86400 seconds
      #   1 week = 1 day * 7 = 604800 seconds
      Seconds: 60

      # The balance to be met where we stop giving interest.
      # 0.0 for no limit
      Cutoff: 0.0

      # Percentage of holdings to give / take (Negative to take) (Overrides Min/Max)
      Percent: 0.0

      # This is range based, to set a "flat" or "constant" rate, set each (Maximum and Minimum) to the same number.
      # If the two numbers are different, it will be a random amount in-between the two.
      Maximum: 1
      Minimum: 2

    # Databases Supported:
    # Flatfile, FF, mini, minidb
    #  - These all equate to miniDB
    # item, items, inventory, inventoryDB
    #  - These all equate to InventoryDB, which uses inventory for storage
    # xp, exp, orb, xpdb, expdb, orbdb
    #  - These all equate to ExperienceDB, which relies on Experience for balance.
    # mysql, mysqldb
    #  - These will attempt to connect to MySQL
    # sqlite, sqlite2, sqlite3, sqlitedb
    #  - These will attempt to create & connect to SQLite
    # postgre, postgreSQL, postgreDB
    #  - These will attempt to connect to PostgreSQL
    Type: 'mysql'

    # These are for InventoryDB only.
    # InventoryDB is essentially Physical Money.
    #   It isn't logged in a database, its based on the users inventory
    #   and the two items selected below.
    # MajorItem is the item or block ID of the major currency
    # MinorItem is the item or block ID of the minor currency
    # e.g. MajorItem: 266, MinorItem: 265 for Gold/Iron
    MajorItem: 266
    MinorItem: 265

    # This controls the database name, by default it is iConomy
    Table: 'iConomy'

    # URL is for SQL Databases Only
    # Path to iConomy folder is easy, it's the COMPLETE path.
    # (Mine) G:\MineCraft\plugins\iConomy\
    # Won't be the same as yours, but it usually looks like that.
    # [H2DB Default] h2:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE
    # [SQLite Default] sqlite:path/to/iConomy/folder/iConomy.db
    # Binary Databases use ip:port style connections.
    # ip
    #  - is the connection identifier (internet protocol)
    #  - for ipv6 usually encased in brackets [::1]
    # port
    #  - the port that the database is listening on
    #  - defaults: 3306 for mysql, postgre is either 5740 or 5432
    # [MySQL Default] mysql://localhost:3306/iConomy
    # [Postgre Default] postgresql://localhost:5740/iConomy
    URL: 'mysql://'

    # Login details for binary databases
    Username: 'sql_4359'
    Password: ''
    # !!! Conversion is not your database settings !!!
    # Conversion allows you to convert your old 5.x to the new 6.x
    # All is currently unused.
    # URL is for MySQL only, H2DB doesn't use it.
      # Set to True, After converting, change this back to false!
      Enabled: false

      # Database Type, H2DB or MySQL
      Type: 'H2DB'

      # Database Table
      Table: 'iConomy'

      # Database URL without table at the end.
      URL: 'mysql://localhost:3306//sql_4359'

      # Username / Password
      # H2DB does not use this. MySQL Only.
      Username: 'sql_4359'
      Password: ''

      # Unused ATM.
      All: true

Další pluginy na serveru: Vault, WorldEdit, PermissionsEx, Essentials, AuthMe a Iconomy_recreation

Verze serveru: Spigot 1.8

22.7.2017 13:50
Nezastavuj se dlouho protože život nikdy nečeká !
Samuel Kodytek
Samuel Kodytek:23.7.2017 10:22

Ahoj, máš ty hráče nějak uložený v mysqlku? Nebo jak to funguje v minecraftu?

Pamatuju si že když jsem se o to zajímal před pár lety, tak jsem si musel stáhnout nějakej plugin (AuthMe) kterej mi ukládal usery do tabulky, když mi ukážeš tabulku pomůžu ti sestrojit dotaz :)

u toho iConomy jsi nejsem jistý, zkontroloval sis že máš všechny údáje spravný jako heslo, tabulku atd? Za pokus by taky stálo si vytvořit prázdnou tabulku IConomy, jak máš v configu nastavenou, třeba to jenom čeká že jí máš už předvitvořenou. Myslím že dokonce iConomy by mohlo mít nějakej log, tak se do něj koukni :)

Nahoru Odpovědět
23.7.2017 10:22
There is more than one way to screw it
Odpovídá na Samuel Kodytek
Ondřej Pohořelý:23.7.2017 12:11

Obě tabulky v databázi mám (authme, iConomy) ale pořád mi nejde /money a právě to na webu
Tabulka authme obsahuje: id, username, password, ip, lastlogin, isLoged

Nahoru Odpovědět
23.7.2017 12:11
Nezastavuj se dlouho protože život nikdy nečeká !
Samuel Kodytek
Samuel Kodytek:23.7.2017 14:14

Koukni se po tom logu v iConomy :)

a checknout jestli je user loged in není takový problém, samozřejmě si musíš ten kód upravit podle svých představ (nějaký limit přidat atd):

SELECT username
FROM authme
WHERE isLoged = 1
Akceptované řešení
+20 Zkušeností
+2,50 Kč
Řešení problému
Nahoru Odpovědět
23.7.2017 14:14
There is more than one way to screw it
Děláme co je v našich silách, aby byly zdejší diskuze co nejkvalitnější. Proto do nich také mohou přispívat pouze registrovaní členové. Pro zapojení do diskuze se přihlas. Pokud ještě nemáš účet, zaregistruj se, je to zdarma.

Zobrazeno 4 zpráv z 4.