Kolonie bakterii (Conwayova hra života)
Ukázkový program Kolonie bakterií (Conwayova hra života) včetně zdrojového kódu v jazyce Ruby.
require 'rexml/document' class Colony # outputs colony def output(target) @height.times do |h| @width.times do |w| if (@cells[w][h]) target.print "*" else target.print "." end end target.puts end end # performs one lifecycle def live # awful duplication of an array @old_cells = [] (@width).times do |w| @row = [] (@height).times do |h| @row << @cells[w][h] end @old_cells << @row end # and then the God comes @height.times do |h| @width.times do |w| # will it survive? @cells[w][h] = false if @old_cells[w][h] # ziva bunka @cells[w][h] = true if (get_neighbours(w, h) == 2) || (get_neighbours(w, h) == 3) end if not @old_cells[w][h] # mrtva bunka @cells[w][h] = true if (get_neighbours(w, h) == 3) end end end end # loads cells def load(fname) # does input file exists? if not File.exists?(fname) puts "Input file does not exists" exit end File.open(fname) do |f| doc = REXML::Document.new(f) @width = doc.root.elements["dimensions"].attributes["x"].to_i if (doc.root.elements["dimensions"].attributes.has_key?("y")) @height = doc.root.elements["dimensions"].attributes["y"].to_i else @height = @width end # creating matrix - also awful @cells = [] (@width).times do |w| @row = [] (@height).times { @row << false } @cells << @row end # filling matrix doc.root.elements["cells"].elements.each do |element| x = element.attributes["x"].to_i - 1 y = element.attributes["y"].to_i - 1 @cells[x][y] = true end end end private # returns number of neighbouring cells def get_neighbours(x, y) count = 0 # classic rectangle 3.times do |h| 3.times do |w| posx = x + w - 1 posy = y + h - 1 # placement correction posx = @width - 1 if (posx < 0) posx = 0 if (posx > @width - 1) posy = @height - 1 if (posy < 0) posy = 0 if (posy > @height - 1) if (@old_cells[posx][posy]) count += 1 end end end count -= 1 if (@old_cells[x][y]) # if center cell is alive I have to remove it return count end end # ------------ main program ----------- if (ARGV[0].length == 0) puts "Not enought arguments" exit end colony = Colony.new colony.load(ARGV[0]) puts "Welcome to Conway's game of life" puts "--------------------------------" colony.output(STDOUT) # commnads processing loop command = "" while (command != "x") do print "Enter command: " command = STDIN.gets.strip count = 1 # n with param. if command =˜ /ˆn\s+\d+/ count = command.split(" ").last.to_i command = "n" end if (command =˜ /ˆn$/) || (command == "") #n processing count.times { colony.live } colony.output(STDOUT) elsif command =˜ /ˆs\s+\w+\.[A-Za-z]{3}$/ # s begin fname = command.split(" ").last begin File.open(fname,"w") { |f| colony.output(f) } puts "Successfuly saved" rescue puts "Cannot save file" end end elsif (command =˜ /ˆ(h|\?)$/) # h puts "Help" puts "----" puts "n - perform lifecycle" puts "n y - perform next y lifecycles" puts "s filename.ext - saves colony into file" puts "h or ? -this help" puts "x - terminate" else puts "Unknows command or parametter, type 'h' to access help" if (command != "x") end end puts "Terminated."
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